Friday, June 14, 2013

Furniture Arrangement that will appeal to Buyers

Often I have shown homes that loose their appeal simply by the way furniture is arranged.  Good furniture arrangement is the secret to making a room look its best and give it the appeal that a potential buyer may be looking for.  Yet, most people struggle with what goes where. Who  has not stood at the doorway to a bedroom, or the center of our living room, and wondered, “What’s wrong with this room?” We may sense that it is  awkward, but we’re not sure why. Potential buyers may feel this instantly upon entering a room and can leave them with a bad taste in their mouth leading them to overlook a really great home.

The good news is that every room has an ideal arrangement for home staging, and you can discover it by avoiding the most common mistakes.  Here are a few things to avoid:

Too much furniture. Select your best pieces. It’s better to have a few great pieces, than a roomful of some good and some not-so-good pieces. Keep the big pieces unless they are in bad condition or very dated. No one expects you to be an interior designer, but colors and styles from a few decades ago don’t make your home look fresh and appealing.

Remember that potential home buyers are looking at other homes and will most likely compare your home to one with updated, stylish furniture.

Not enough furniture. When selling a home, no room should be empty. Buyers see an empty room as a problem that may raise red flags.  Buyers may think the ceiling leaks, or that the climate of the room is not livable.

No Focal Point.  Every room has a focal point, but if you do not arrange your furniture properly, you may be ignoring it. You will want to attract buyers to this when they enter. Find the dramatic element that draws your immediate attention. If your room has an attractive feature, such as a fireplace or picture window, center your furniture arrangement around it.

Poor Traffic Flow.  Walking through a room should be effortless, especially for buyers.  You do not want them to feel cramped or that they have to maneuver around things to get through the room.  This will lead them to believe that there is actually less space in the home.  Make sure furniture is placed so that people have adequate room to maneuver easily around the room.

Figuring out how to arrange furniture in a room can be a daunting task, but with a little trial and error you should be able to pull it off.  The best advice I can give would be to view each room as if you were a buyer.  Figure out the pros and cons and work to improve the feel of the entire space.
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